Join us for IPA's next webinar in collaboration with INTERDEM...
"The role of social connectedness in multifactorial dementia syndrome. Does social life matter?"
Sunday, 2 July 2023 at 8:30 AM at the IPA Congress in Lisbon, Portugal!
Register for Congress now with this link.
Hello IPA colleagues,
It is our pleasure to present to you, on behalf of the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) and INTERDEM, this new live webinar: The role of social connectedness in multifactorial dementia syndrome. Does social life matter?
Dementia is influenced by multiple factors. It is crucial to learn more about the impact of these factors. Here we focus on the role of social health, that might have different faces around the world. Join us on July 2nd in Lisbon Portugal at our 2023 IPA International Congress for presentations and discussion on this exciting topic. Eminent dementia experts will present data on the role of social health in dementia. In this webinar, participants will gain an understanding of how social life can impact dementia and the perspectives for interventions to prevent and live well with dementia.
As with all programs in the IPA Webinar Series, this presentation is intended as an educational event on topics that are timely and relevant to the field of mental health for older adults.
Prof. Myrra Vernooij-Dassen, PhD Chair, IPA Webinar Series
Webinar Presenters-
Presenter: Dr. Sube Banerjee
Sube Banerjee MBE, MBBS MSc MBA MD FRCPsych is Executive Dean and Professor of Dementia in the Faculty of Health at the University of Plymouth is senior clinical researcher and a practicing old age psychiatrist. He trained at St Thomas’s Hospital Medical School, The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, and the Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London. He served as the UK Department of Health’s senior professional advisor on dementia leading the development of its National Dementia Strategy. His research focusses on quality of life and quality of care in dementia and the evaluation of new treatments and services. He works on health services, policy and strategies to improve health for older adults with complex needs and those with dementia. He has been awarded national and international awards for policy and research in dementia. Sube is a Trustee of Alzheimer’s Society.
Presenter: Dr. Marjolein de Vugt
Marjolein de Vugt is a Professor of Psychosocial Innovations in dementia. Trained as a neuropsychologist, she works as a clinical researcher and as a clinician in the memory clinic of the Maastricht University Medical Center+ (MUMC+). Her line of research pertains to psychosocial needs, care and support in dementia with a particular focus on young onset dementia. She is director of the Alzheimer Center Limburg, which integrates activities of Maastricht University and the Academic Hospital Maastricht in the Netherlands and accommodates more than 50 researchers and clinicians of various disciplines. She is also chair of the European network on research into early detection and timely intervention in dementia (INTERDEM).
IPA Webinar Series, Program Organizers:
Prof Myrra Vernooij-Dassen, PhD
Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre
Chair, IPA Webinar Task Force
The Netherlands |
Robert Madan MD FRCPC
Deputy Chief of Staff, Baycrest,
Canada |
Prof Maria I. Lapid, MD
Professor of Psychiatry
Mayo Clinic,
United States |