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IPA means a community of professionals and as a part of that spirit, IPA recognizes those who have made significant contributions to the field — in whatever manner.

IPA Distinguished Service Awards – Presented every year at the IPA International Congress, these three awards recognize extraordinary leaders contributing to the IPA organization, the Field of Psychogeriatrics and the country where IPA conducts its congress. For more information and a listing of current and previous recipients, click here.

IPA Junior Research Awards in Psychogeriatrics – Presented every year at the IPA International Congress, these awards are presented to professionals who are beginning their careers in Psychogeriatrics. They recognize previously unpublished research. To see a listing of current and previous recipients, click here.

Luigi Amaducci Memorial Award – Presented from 1999-2005, this award recognized outstanding achievement in research in neuroscience, particularly in neurodegenerative disorders. For more information and a listing of recipients, click here.


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