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Past IPA Regional Meetings

2017 IPA Pre-Conference Workshops
Queenstown, New Zealand
8-10 November 2017
Theme: Capacity, Creativity and Ageing in Clinical Practice
In collaboration with the Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatry; Faculty of  Psychiatry of Old Age
Meeting Review & Program

2016 IPA Asian Regional Meeting
Taipei, Taiwan
9-11 December 2016
Theme: Safety and Integrated Care in Aging Mental Health: Cross-cultural Perspective
In collaboration with the Taiwanese Society of Geriatric Psychiatry
Final Program

2014 IPA European Regional Meeting
Brussels, Belgium
3-5 December 2014
Theme: Mental Health and Aging: European Perspectives on Care and Research
In collaboration with the Flemish Psychiatric Association, section of Old Age Psychiatry

2014 IPA International Meeting
Beijing, P.R. China
23-26 October 2014
Theme: Staying Engaged – Practicing Learning Throughout the Life Span
In collaboration with the Peking University Institute of Mental Health and the Psychogeriatric Interest Group, Chinese Society for Psychiatry

2012 IPA International Meeting
Cairns, Australia
7-11 September 2012
Theme: Mental Health and Cultural Diversity for Older Adults
In collaboration with the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists

2010 IPA International Meeting
Santiago de Compostela, Spain
26-29 September 2010
Theme: Diversity ? Collaboration ? Dignity
In collaboration with the Sociedad Española de Psicogeriatria

2009 IPA International Meeting
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
4-7 May 2009
Theme: Brain Aging and Quality of Life
In cooperation with the Brazilian Association of Geriatric Neuropsychiatry (ABNPG)

2008 IPA European Regional Meeting
Dublin, Ireland
8-11 April 2008
Theme: Towards a New Age of Enlightenment
In association with the Faculty of Old Age Psychiatry of the Royal College of Psychiatrists

2007 IPA European Regional Meeting
Istanbul, Turkey
3-6 May 2007
Theme: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Psychogeriatric Care
In collaboration with the Psychogeriatric Society of Turkey

2006 IPA European Regional Meeting
Lisbon, Portugal
3-6 May 2006
Theme: Bridges Across Aging:  meeting primary care needs through specialization

2005 IPA Australasian Regional Meeting
Rotorua, New Zealand
5-8 April 2005
Theme: From Fundamentals to Fascinations—New Perspectives on Aging and Mental Health
In conjunction with the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age (RANZCP)

2004 IPA Asia Pacific Regional Meeting
Seoul, Korea
8-11 September 2004
Theme: Mental Health of the Elderly in Rapidly Aging Societies
In cooperation with the Korean Association for Geriatric Psychiatry

2004 IPA Latin American Regional Meeting
Santiago, Chile
26-29 May 2004
Theme: Mental Health in Old Age: New Perspectives in Educational, Clinical and Service Development
In cooperation with Facultad de Medicina – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

2003 IPA European Regional Meeting
Geneva, Switzerland
1-4 April 2003
Theme: Cognition, Behavior & Social Performance in the Elderly

2002 IPA Asia Pacific Regional Meeting
Hong Kong, SAR PR China
23-26 October 2002
Theme: Dementia, Depression, and Suicide in the Elderly: Cultural and Clinical Aspects

2002 IPA European and Mediterranean Regional Meeting
Rome, Italy
17-20 April 2002
Theme: The Qualities of Aging

2001 IPA Australasian Regional Meeting
Lorne, Australia
4-7 February 2001
Theme: Treatment, Care and Outcomes in Psychogeriatrics
In conjunction with the Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age (RANZCP)

2000 IPA Joint Regional Meeting with the Royal College of Psychiatrists’ Faculty of Old Age
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
4-7 April 2000
Theme: Non-Alzheimer Cognitive Impairment

2000 Joint Regional Meeting with Brazilian Association of Geriatric Neuropsychiatry
Porto Alegre, Brazil
12-15 October 2000
Theme: Mental Health in the Elderly: Transcultural Perspectives

1999 IPA Joint Regional Meeting with the Institute of Mental Health, Beijing Medical University
Beijing, PR China
12-14 April 1999
Theme: Dementia, Depression in Old Age, Psychopharmacology in the Elderly, Community Care for the Mentally Ill Elderly

1998 IPA Joint Regional Meeting with European Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
Munich, Germany
13-18 September 1998
Theme: Aging 2000

1998 IPA Joint IPA Meeting with the Turkish Association of Geriatrics
Istanbul, Turkey
21-23 May 1998


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