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2021 Regional IPA / JPS Meeting

16-18 September 2021
Kyoto, Japan (now Online)
Theme: Smart Aging with MATES

Registration Open (Extended Registration through 10 November, 2021)
Web participants for IPA programs: JPY5,000-
Onsite participants for IPA programs and JPS programs: JPY15,000-

*An update as of 30 August 2021: Depending on the state of the coronavirus (COVID-19) spread in Japan, the Regional IPA/JPS Meeting will be held Online via Live streaming and On-demand platform.

Click to jump to topic selection:

Meeting Organizers Venue  
Registration Program  

Chair: Heii Arai, M.D., Ph.D.
(Alz Clinic, Tokyo)

Secretary General: Manabu Ikeda, M.D., Ph.D.
(Department of Psychiatry, Course of Integrated Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine Osaka University)

Venue: Kyoto International Conference Center
Takaragaike, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-0001 Japan

*An update as of 30 August 2021: Depending on the state of the coronavirus (COVID-19) spread in Japan, the Regional IPA/JPS Meeting will be held Online via Live streaming and On-demand platform.


  • Speaker: Tzung-Jeng Hwang
    (Taiwanese Society of Geriatric Psychiatry, the Division of General/Geriatric Psychiatry of the National Taiwan University Hospital, Taiwan.)
  • Speaker: Facundo Manes
    (INECO Foundation for Research in Cognitive Neuroscience and Institute of Neurosciences, Favaloro University Argentina. Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Medical Research Council, Cambridge, UK.)
  • Speaker:Gill Livingston
    (Division of Psychiatry, Faculty of Brain Sciences, University College London)
  • Speaker:Heii Arai


  • Disease-modifying drugs and treatment for Alzheimer's disease
  • COVID-19 and elderly persons: International comparison
  • Automobile driving of elderly persons
  • Thoughts of caregivers: Comparison between Asian countries
  • Happiness of Centenarians
  • Harnessing arts and technology during the pandemic for older persons with cognitive impairment (IPA/ASAD/JPSJoint Symposium)
  • Diagnosis and treatment of late-life depression: a consideration of age-related neurodegeneration
  • Psychiatric symptoms in FTD (IPA/ISFTDJoint Symposium)
  • Ageism: its manifestations and impact on the mental health of older persons
  • AI and Cognitive Disorders

    Schedule (to see the full schedule/program, click here)

Pre-Registration for Regional IPA/JPS Meeting and the 36th JPS is available only through the Online Registration System.
Registration Open (EXTENDED - until 10 November 2021)

Web participants for IPA programs: JPY5,000-
Onsite participants for IPA programs and JPS programs: JPY15,000-

The followings are included in the registration fee.
 ‐Access to all Scientific Sessions online.

All IPA programs will broadcast online (live streaming and/ or on-demand data).
JPS programs is planning to held in Kyoto (in Japanese)
*According to this situation under Covid-19, these programs might change.
*An update as of 30 August 2021: Depending on the state of the coronavirus (COVID-19) spread in Japan, the Regional IPA/JPS Meeting will be held Online via Live streaming and On-demand platform.

See the event website to register.


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