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IPA Junior Research Awards - Call for Submissions

2024 IPA
Junior Research Awards in Psychogeriatrics

Crossing Oceans and Connecting People to Improve Mental Health for Older Adults

Presentation of Awards: IPA's International Congress
25-27 September / Buenos Aires, Argentina
Submission Deadline: 15 June 2024  
(11:59pm CST US)

Call for Submissions

Established in 1989 for the best original, unpublished research in the field of psychogeriatrics, the IPA Junior Research Awards in Psychogeriatrics have encouraged the pursuit of relevant and groundbreaking research efforts among junior researchers.  In conjunction with the other initiatives of the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA), these awards are an important part of IPA’s work toward its mission of improved mental health care for older people around the world.  In addition to developing the very best clinical care, IPA is committed to advancing care through research.  Past award recipients include many scientists who have demonstrated outstanding leadership and contributions to research in the field.  

Papers are now being solicited for the IPA Junior Research Awards in Psychogeriatrics – 2024 competition. The award presentation will take place during the IPA International Congress, 25-27 September 2024, in Buenos Aires, Argentina..  

Competition Regulations

General information

  • Awards will be granted solely on the merit of the research presented.  Award candidates’ prior experience and previous accomplishments do not influence the outcome.
  • Researchers from all disciplines, cultures, and nations are encouraged to apply.


  • Junior Investigators must be within five years of his/her terminal degree, i.e., MD, PhD, etc. and not above Instructor or Assistant Professor level.
  • Previous award recipients are not eligible to compete.
  • Papers must be unpublished results of original research in Psychogeriatrics, with the first publication of the results to be associated with this award competition.


Award recipients must agree to present their paper in person during a session at the IPA International Congress, 25-27 September 2024, in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

  • In conjunction with the trip to the Congress in Buenos Aires, Argentina each award recipient will receive:
    • USD $1,500 toward travel and accommodations
    • One (1) complimentary Congress registration
  • Each award recipient will receive a complimentary one-year membership in IPA.

Submission Deadline: 15 June 2024 (11:59pm CST US)

Papers must be sent electronically and be received by the deadline at the IPA Secretariat.
Submissions must include the following and be in the requested format:

  1. Page 1 – Title page must include the following information:
  • Title of paper
  • Name(s) of all author(s), degrees and affiliations
  • Corresponding author’s complete mailing address plus telephone and email information
  • The following text should appear at the top of the title page:  Submitted for 2024 IPA Junior Research Awards in Psychogeriatrics
  1. Page 2 – Please explain why you are considered a Junior Investigator as situations vary in different countries.
  2. Page 3 – State only the title of the paper with no names, authors or affiliations.  (This page is required to ensure a totally blind review process.)
  3. Research paper format
  • Papers should be submitted as a Microsoft Word document (saved as “read only”)
  • Papers must be written in English
  • Text of the paper should be double-spaced, with margins on all four sides
  • An abstract of no more than 350 words must precede the text
  • Papers should include no more than 30 pages of text, plus a section including literature citations, tables, and figures. The latter section should not exceed 12 pages; tables and figures should be of good quality. If artwork is included, only original black-and-white drawings may be submitted.
  • Author-date citations of references must be in text.  International Psychogeriatrics uses the Harvard referencing system.
  • References must be double-spaced and include complete titles, all author names, and journal names spelled out in full. 
  • References to works written in another language must include both the original title and its English translation.

Submission Review and Award Selection Process

Submissions are reviewed by a global panel of experts who are responsible for determining the award recipients.  The review panel is composed of internationally recognized scientists and clinicians in the field of psychogeriatrics, as well as members of the IPA Board of Directors and other leaders in the field.

Direct your submissions to:
Subject Line: IPA Junior Research Awards

International Psychogeriatric Association
555 East Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202
United States
Tel: +1.414.918.9889

To be eligible, submissions must be received no later than 11:59PM CST 15 June 2024.


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