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2024 Board of Directors Announcement

The Board of Directors for the International Psychogeriatrics Association (IPA) announced its recent appointments for new officers and board members Anne Margriet Pot (The Netherlands) has been appointed President while Adriana Hermida (United States) was named as President-Elect and Diego de Leo (Australia) was named Secretary.

Re elected to the Board of Directors for another two year term were Hilde Verbeek (The Netherlands) and Liat Ayalon (Isreal).

Elected as new members to the Board of Directors were Rob Madan (Canada) and Deborah Oliveira (Chili)

"We are so excited to welcome these new Board members and officers," said Jen Kowalski, Executive Director of IPA. “All of these individuals bring a wealth of expertise in the field of geriatric mental health and will be excellent additions to the Board. These are distinguished professionals, from across the globe, with a broad range of experience in patient care, health policy, leadership, and service.”

IPA also expresses its thanks for dedicated service to the IPA Board to William Reichman (Canada) whose term expired in 2023.

More information on all of the Board representatives may be found on the IPA website.


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